Orderly Art is meant to help students organize and study artwork with ease, and save all their submissions to access whenever.
Find relevant images
Orderly Art will automatically find the best relevant image based on what you've entered
Time saver
Easily find, search, and filter your submissions
Access wherever
Your data stays safe in the cloud, so you never have to worry about loosing a thing
Find a relevant image automatically, or add one yourself
Orderly Art will automatically find the best relevant image based on what you've entered, saving you time.
Easy Filters
Entered a historical/stylistic period to your work? Orderly Art will automatically create a filter for that, making it easier for you to find what you're looking for.
Filter all of your submissions, or just through a certain historical/stylistic period by artist, location, or date.
Find what you're looking for. Fast.
On top of all the filters, if you know what you want it's unbelievably easy to search what you're looking for.
Quickly view and edit submissions
Change or add information to the artwork, or delete it all together. When you save, it stores your data in the cloud, so you'll never have to worry 'bout losing a thing!
Easily retrieve your submissions
When you save for the first time, you're issued an easy to remember, relevant ID. You can use this ID to fetch your submissions. It's as easy as that!